Expert Advice to Keep Your Pet Safe

Whether you're looking for the best way to care for your pet or tips on how you and your children can safely enjoy your pets, SaferPets offers you a unique reference point on keeping your pet and your family safe.

Cat Proof Your Home and Garden

Cats have an insatiable curiosity. Everything must be investigated, hunted, and played with; this can sometimes have dire consequences. When cat proofing your home and garden you need to get a cat’s prospective on things. Get down on your hands and knees and see things at a cats eyelevel. From …

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Safe Reptile Choices

A vast array of reptiles are available on the pet market, some easier to care for than others. If you are a beginning reptile keeper start out with species that are easy to care for before advancing to some of the more difficult ones. This ensures your first attempts at …

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Picking Safe Boarding Accommodation

When there comes a need to leave your pet in someone else’s care it is never easy, however a bit of preliminary preparation can not only ease your mind but also ensure you have placed your pet where they will get the best possible care in your absence. A Little …

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Choosing Pet Insurance

Pet insurance is an option many pet owners tend to overlook. Most Pet Insurance companies only used to cover death of an animal, now many companies set up specifically for that purpose bring a completely new concept to the pet health industry by offering Pet Health Insurance. Using flexible payment …

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Dog Laws in the UK

Dog ownership is a privilege that must be taken seriously. All dog owners must raise and care for their dogs in a specific manner – one that does not harm the dog in any way. Dog owners must also follow specific dog legislation. Having dog-specific laws in place may seem …

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Preparing Your Dog for Your Newborn

Congratulations! You’ve just found out that you’re expecting an addition to your family. A family, which already includes one child – a child who will forever walk on four legs and has fur, but none-the-less, is still a child. Believe it or not, preparing your dog for the arrival of …

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Puppy Proof Your Home

Puppies are toddlers with fur. And we all know how inquisitive they both can be. Which means, prior to bringing the new fur ball home, it is important to do a clean sweep of everything that lives at puppy level. How exactly do you puppy-proof? Get on your hands and …

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Important Vaccinations for Dogs

Invariably, dog owners ask themselves: ‘Do I really need to vaccinate my dog?’ The short answer is yes. “Vaccines are health products that trigger protective immune responses in pets and prepare them to fight future infections from disease-causing agents,” according to the American Veterinary Association. “Vaccines can lessen the severity …

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Outdoor Dog Safety

Those lazy, hazy days of summer are in full swing, and it is hot out there! If we’re feeling the heat, just imagine how our pets are coping with all that fur on them. While it is tempting to shave down a longhaired dog for the summer, it could do …

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Safe Exotic Pets for Kids

Pet ownership is an important part of a child’s life. They teach children about responsibility and caring for another living creature, no matter if the pet is a cat, dog, hamster or turtle. A lot of children are enamoured by the exotics. However, when it comes to exotic pet ownership, …

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Safer Pets