Expert Advice to Keep Your Pet Safe

Whether you're looking for the best way to care for your pet or tips on how you and your children can safely enjoy your pets, SaferPets offers you a unique reference point on keeping your pet and your family safe.

Is it Safe to Dye My Dog’s Fur?

Dog grooming used to be a purely functional activity – something to keep your dog’s coat clean and in good condition, to prevent tangles and matting and for those with continuously growing hair, to trim and maintain a certain shape and form. However, in recent years, groomers and pet owners …

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Safe DIY Dog Clipping at Home

If you own a breed of dog with a coat that grows continually – such as a Poodle or a Schnauzer – and needs to be clipped to maintain its shape, then regular monthly trips to the dog groomer’s may make a big dent in your wallet. For this reason, …

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The Danger of ‘Fad Pets’

It happens every few years – a celebrity is seen with an unusual pet or an animal is whimsically portrayed by film or the media – and suddenly, a new ‘fad pet’ is born. While these exotic pets may seem cute or fascinating, for most people, trying to keep them …

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Can I Tame My Pet Reptile?

While most of us never think beyond cuddly puppies and kittens, rabbits and other small mammals or even a friendly bird, for some there is nothing to beat the fascination of pet reptiles. But does this mean that you’re never going to enjoy interactions and affection from your cold-blooded pet? …

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How to Housetrain Your Rabbit

Many people would like to have their pet rabbits indoors and include them in family activities but worry about any toileting mess their bunnies might make. However, rabbits can in fact be trained to use a litterbox – just like cats – and the process is not as difficult as …

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Taking On a Rescue Dog

Why a Rescue? Everyone should experience the love and devotion of a dog and when deciding what type of breed would suit the family it should also be carefully decided where this new member of the family is coming from. Different Types A rescued dog can come from all sports …

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Chip and Tag Your Pet

It is a common occurrence to hear of dogs being lost or stolen. This can be traumatic for the family and can put the dog in great harm. There are a few easy steps that may not stop your dog being taken or lost but will aid his safe return. …

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Demonstrating that Dogs Are Not Dangerous If Handled Correctly

Sadly, in recent times dogs have received a lot of bad press. This has made parents wary about bringing a puppy into the home or even allowing one near their children when out and about. Positive thoughts Children can pick up fear from their parents and other adults. We should …

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Safer Pets