Freshwater Fish Safety

Fish keeping is an interesting and educational hobby. There are however, a few hazards not only to the fish but to the fish keeper as well. Fish in Glasshouses… Fish tanks are commonly constructed from glass, and though of sturdy construction can be easily broken. Never set your tank up …

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Saltwater Fish Safety

Bringing the wild into our homes is never an easy task, especially when it comes to aquatic life. And no environment is more particular, and difficult to maintain, than the marine/salt-water aquarium. Everything from which light source you choose, to aquarium size, the choice between real or synthetic salt water, …

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Reptile Heating Safety

Heating has to be one of the most important aspects of reptile husbandry. As exotherms, reptiles cannot make heat for themselves but rely on taking heat from their environment to adjust and maintain their internal body temperature. This temperature depends on the species, the time of day and the stage …

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The Worst Reptiles for Beginners

Reptiles in general are not for the general pet owner as they require far more specialist knowledge and care than your average pet. However, there are certain species which are a particularly bad choice for beginning reptile hobbyists. Sadly, these are often sold as “starter reptile pets” even though they …

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Can I Tame My Pet Reptile?

While most of us never think beyond cuddly puppies and kittens, rabbits and other small mammals or even a friendly bird, for some there is nothing to beat the fascination of pet reptiles. But does this mean that you’re never going to enjoy interactions and affection from your cold-blooded pet? …

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How to Train Your Pet Lizard

Would you like a closer relationship with your pet lizard? Would you enjoy being able to handle your lizard more and maybe even teach him to interact with you? Then read on for some tips on how to train your pet lizard: 1) Know What to Expect First, it’s important …

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Safer Pets