The Most Common Pet Injuries

Just like us, pets are prone to injuries and accidents – they break bones, scratch their eyes, get bitten or stung and even swallow harmful foreign objects. Most pet owners will have experienced one or more of the following common injuries that affect dogs and cats: Lacerations and Bite or …

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Chip and Tag Your Pet

It is a common occurrence to hear of dogs being lost or stolen. This can be traumatic for the family and can put the dog in great harm. There are a few easy steps that may not stop your dog being taken or lost but will aid his safe return. …

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The Danger of ‘Fad Pets’

It happens every few years – a celebrity is seen with an unusual pet or an animal is whimsically portrayed by film or the media – and suddenly, a new ‘fad pet’ is born. While these exotic pets may seem cute or fascinating, for most people, trying to keep them …

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Safer Pets