Teaching Kids to be Safe Around Pets

There is nothing cuter than a young child and the family dog curled up together, enjoying an afternoon nap. The pet-child relationship is important for children as it provides kids the opportunity to learn about love, respect and care for other living creatures. It also teaches children about responsibility (grooming, …

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Preparing Your Dog for Your Newborn

Congratulations! You’ve just found out that you’re expecting an addition to your family. A family, which already includes one child – a child who will forever walk on four legs and has fur, but none-the-less, is still a child. Believe it or not, preparing your dog for the arrival of …

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Great Pets for Younger Kids

If you’re a parent, you’re probably well-used to your kids pestering you for a pet – that is, if you haven’t succumbed to their pleading already. The decision to allow children to have a pet can be a hard one, particularly if your kids are very young. Remember that even …

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Small Mammals and Kids

Small pets can be great for children, offering companionship and entertainment, while at the same time providing the means for children to learn about responsibility. However, think carefully about introducing a pet into your family – even a small one requires care, time and attention and before you give in …

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Dog Safety for Kids

Statistics show that most serious dog bites involve children under 5 years of age and dogs that are actually known to them – such as the family pet or a neighbour’s dog. In the majority of these cases, the tragedy could have been avoided if some precautions had been followed. …

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Kids and Strange Dogs

While media frenzy and general paranoia may have exaggerated the real danger of dog attacks, it is nevertheless wise to exercise caution when dealing with strange dogs, particularly when children are involved. Many local authorities now run educational programmes aimed at increasing the public’s understanding of canine body language and …

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Dangerous Pet Diseases Which Can Infect Kids

Pets can carry many parasites and micro-organisms which can cause disease and some of these can be transmitted to humans (called “zoonotic diseases”), leading to serious illness – particularly in those with weaker immune systems, such as young children. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the pet diseases …

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Safe Reptile Keeping for Young Children

Are your kids pestering you for a reptile as a pet? Or have you thought of getting your kids a more “unusual and interesting” pet and wondered if reptiles are suitable and safe for children to keep? The Truth About Reptiles… It is important to remember that reptiles are “exotic …

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Are Parrots and Parakeets Safe Pets for Children?

In general, it is felt that parrots are just not ideal pets for children. Many parrots dislike the loud, boisterous, quick-moving behaviour of children, many do not like being touched or handled by over-enthusiastic little fingers and many are also too large, powerful, aggressive or dominant to be safe for …

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Safer Pets