Keeping Your Dog Safe in Winter

With the shortening of days and cooler temperatures, new hazards emerge for the dog owner to be aware of. Dogs feel heat loss as much as we humans do. When outside during winter the wind-chill drops the temperature well below what the thermometer actually indicates the temperature is. Be aware …

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Dog Laws in the UK

Dog ownership is a privilege that must be taken seriously. All dog owners must raise and care for their dogs in a specific manner – one that does not harm the dog in any way. Dog owners must also follow specific dog legislation. Having dog-specific laws in place may seem …

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Puppy Proof Your Home

Puppies are toddlers with fur. And we all know how inquisitive they both can be. Which means, prior to bringing the new fur ball home, it is important to do a clean sweep of everything that lives at puppy level. How exactly do you puppy-proof? Get on your hands and …

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Outdoor Dog Safety

Those lazy, hazy days of summer are in full swing, and it is hot out there! If we’re feeling the heat, just imagine how our pets are coping with all that fur on them. While it is tempting to shave down a longhaired dog for the summer, it could do …

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Dog Health

Keeping your canine friend happy and healthy is one of the key responsibilities of a good dog owner. More so than any other pet, dogs require daily care and interaction and their well-being depends not only on physical maintenance but also on things like adequate and appropriate exercise, and regular …

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Safe Communication With Your Dog

Despite the increasingly important roles that dogs play in our lives many of us still don’t know how to communicate properly with our canine friends nor how to read their body language and understand what they are trying to tell us. For example, many people think a wagging tail means …

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Pet lovers will be horrified to hear that according to new research dognapping is becoming the fastest-growing crime in the UK and is still on the increase, with the stolen pet market booming. Over 40,000 dogs are reported missing each year, with the Battersea Dogs and Cats home receiving nearly …

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Safe Jogging with Your Dog

One of the most enjoyable ways of keeping fit is jogging with your dog and it has the added bonus of keeping your dog in shape too something that’s very important with the recent rise in pet obesity! Having your canine best friend along makes running less of a lonely …

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Introducing a Puppy to Other Dogs

Socialisation is one of the key factors towards creating a well-adjusted, reliable dog that is a pleasure to live with and there is no time more crucial for socialisation than when your dog is still a puppy. One of the most important aspects of socialisation is introducing your puppy to …

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Animal Shelter Safety

Making the decision to adopt a pet from an animal shelter or to offer your services as a volunteer is perhaps one of the most rewarding things you could decide to do. However, it is worthwhile keeping some safety tips in mind to ensure that your time at the shelter …

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Safer Pets