Demonstrating that Dogs Are Not Dangerous If Handled Correctly

Sadly, in recent times dogs have received a lot of bad press. This has made parents wary about bringing a puppy into the home or even allowing one near their children when out and about. Positive thoughts Children can pick up fear from their parents and other adults. We should …

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Chip and Tag Your Pet

It is a common occurrence to hear of dogs being lost or stolen. This can be traumatic for the family and can put the dog in great harm. There are a few easy steps that may not stop your dog being taken or lost but will aid his safe return. …

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Taking On a Rescue Dog

Why a Rescue? Everyone should experience the love and devotion of a dog and when deciding what type of breed would suit the family it should also be carefully decided where this new member of the family is coming from. Different Types A rescued dog can come from all sports …

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Safer Pets